03 May 00:10 GMT

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NDT English Polish Dictionary
Open collection
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Collection owner:
Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski (20 pts)

760 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
A B C scan display displaying the information from the pulse echo inspection on ultrasonic ima... Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
abrasive wheel tarcza �cierna (Polish) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
acceptance criterium warunek odbioru (Polish) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
acoustic impedance akustyczna opornosc falowa (Polish) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
acoustical coupling sprzezenie akustyczne (Polish) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
adhere przylega� przywiera� (Polish) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
aids srodki (Polish) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
AIR-ACETYLENE Engineering (general) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
AIR-ARC CUTTING Engineering (general) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
alloy A mixture containing two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetal...
alloy stop (Polish) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
amplifier wzmacniacz (Polish) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
amplitude amplituda (Polish) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
angle kat (Polish) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
angle probe glowica skosna (Polish) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
angular misalignment przesuniecie warstwy katowej (Polish) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 
angular misalignment Engineering (general) Ryszard (Richard) Jasinski 

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